One night, as I sat in a den, my attention was suddenly drawn to some black object. 一天晚上,我坐在一家酒吧里,突然注意到有一个黑色的东西。
Bounding Box-Objects aren't drawn at all; instead, this mode shows only the rectangular boxes that correspond to each object's size and shape. 边界框模式-物体不会被绘制;相反,这种模式绘制出矩形盒表现物体的大小和形状。
Set effects and sounds for this drawn object. 为此已绘制的对象设置效果与声音。
Specifies the color used to fill shapes drawn on an object by graphics routines. 指定图形例程在对象上绘制形状时使用的填充色。
With the interior function of matlab to plot this hologram, a dark rectangle is drawn in one unit, which can encode two object functions in a same hologram. 用matlab软件的内部函数在一个单元格中画一个黑色矩形块,将2个物函数同时编码制成一张双通道计算全息图。
And in order to establish a scientific teaching quality monitoring and evaluating system, an omnidirectional definition should be drawn to the subject and object of the omnidirectional teaching monitoring and evaluating system. 而构建科学的教学质量监控、评价体系,首先必须全方位地界定教学质量监控、评价的主体与客体。
When the large object image data is filled up with several middle lines data that drawn out from multiple frames step by step, a natural and smooth image of the large view object is acquired. 整个大视域目标的图像像素数据由每帧图像正中间数行的像素数据逐步填充而成,实现了大视域目标图像的自然无缝获取。
During the maintenance of power in408UL file output device, we have drawn the circuit diagrams of power according to material object. 我们在维修408UL文档输出设备电源的过程中,根据实物绘制出该电源的电路原理图。
Against result is the object of the crime caused damage to the reality, therefore, can be drawn, we should act on the perpetrators of the crime the reality of the object causing damage to the judgment of sin standards this conclusion. 而危害结果是对犯罪客体造成的现实损害,因此,可以得出,应以行为人对行为对犯罪客体造成的现实损害作为罪过判断的标准这一结论。